停課不停學系列:Sing and Learn 聽歌學英文

停課不停學系列:Sing and Learn 聽歌學英文

近月人人都宅在家中,大人們就work from home,小朋友則繼續暫時停課,總之就是減少外出為上。其實「在家千日好」,這或者未嘗不是好事,小朋友雖然仍然停課中,但就絕對不是「停學」!發揮一下想像,跳出固有的學習空間 ,可能會為豆丁們發掘到更多的學習樂趣!所以由今周開始,JOOX就特別聯同教育綜合平台GRWTH推出《停課不停學》系列,找來各界教學單位,同大家以輕鬆的手法,讓家長跟孩子們一齊聽住歌繼續學習!

《停課不停學》系列首回目展開!本周我們就找來EF English Centers導師,以小朋友們最愛的迪士尼動畫歌曲作為教學藍本,每聽完一首歌會有老師英文audio導讀教你學英文!聽唔切唔緊要,下面仲會有埋文字俾大家參考返,做到邊聽邊學!我哋仲會每日更新讀本,記住每日開住JOOX上堂,一齊聽歌學英文,Let's Sing and Learn!

英語內容提供:EF English Centers

Narrator: Mr. Kevin Prak of EF English Centers

Sing and Learn #Lesson 8

英語讀本: We’ve all had dreams at some point in our lives. We may have achieved them already or we’re still pursuing them. If you’re still working towards it, consider ‘Breaking Free’ from High School Musical an anthem to give yourself some motivation when times get rough. It does have a lot of empowerment in its lyrics. Sometimes, we need an extra push to break free from our normal to achieve our dreams. Nobody said it was easy but try it, see how it goes, and maybe, you’ll be one step closer.

Sing and Learn #Lesson 7

英語讀本: If there’s one thing Disney movies have taught me, is that friendship is really important. The main theme song from Toy Story talks a lot about how friendship is important. No matter how rough life gets, there is always a friend that will always help you get thought it. You might not see each other every week but that is a test of friendship right there, if you can help each other out despite minimal meetups. Friendships are worth keeping and fighting for. Don’t neglect them, especially once you found romance. Both can co-exist together.

Sing and Learn #Lesson 6

英語讀本: Probably one of my all-time favourite Disney songs. This rather slow tune from Aladdin can speak for many of us. Its lyrics are a little cliché but it doesn’t stop us from resonating with it. Both Aladdin and Jasmine confess their love for each other while Aladdin tells her that there is so much out there in the world to experience and that it’s best to experience it with each other. When you find your perfect somebody, don’ just stay in one spot. Go out there and see the world together! There’s so much to see!

Sing and Learn #Lesson 5

英語讀本: Reggae style songs aren’t usually my cup of tea, but when they’re really catchy like Under the Sea, then they’ll be stuck in your head for life. The lyrics are rather humorous as it talks about Sebastian trying to convince Ariel to not leave her home under the sea. There are tons of references to different kinds of animals in the ocean such as trout, sardine, and carp. The song overall isn’t serious, but rather carefree, so listen to it a few times. It’s easy to sing-along to and you’ll be humming it at random times in your life!

Sing and Learn #Lesson 4

英語讀本: Many songs from the Lion King are considered are classics. With ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight,’ the version that plays during Simba and Nala’s scene the middle of the movie is calming yet euphoric. The lyrics though, actually talk about Simba and Nala’s thoughts for each other. For Simba, his past haunts him and but Nala doesn’t seem to care. You know, for many of us, we may not like our past but it makes us who we are today, and someone else may not care about our past, but only about changing ourselves for the better now and in the future.

Sing and Learn #Lesson 3

英語讀本: Who knew this haunting ballad from the movie, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ had some life lessons about love? The theme song from the movie talks about how the 2 characters, Beast and Belle’s relationship. They learn to accept each other’s differences and mistakes, and that they’ve changed each other for the better. For many that are still looking or growing their relationship with their significant other, it’s always a good reminder that relationships aren’t meant to be perfect. The person you are together with is perfect for you, even if there are imperfections and arguments…just like Beast and Belle.

Sing and Learn #Lesson 2

英語讀本: Whenever I think of something spooky and scary, Halloween is the first thing that always comes to mind. Nothing screams like Halloween with this classic from ‘The Nightmare before Christmas.’ You got the spooky instrumental and lyrics that define Halloween. Spiders, snakes, clowns, banshees, skeletons, pumpkins, you name it! It’s also pretty catchy as well, so you’ll have this song stuck in your head, even when it’s not Halloween. Check it out, listen to it a few times, and don’t get scared!

Sing and Learn #Lesson 1

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英語讀本: Listening to a song from Frozen 2, what?! You would think songs from the movie are for children but then you have songs like ‘Into the Unknown’, that are for everyone. The song relates to Elsa being comfortable with her life but something is missing, something is left unexplored. She makes the decision to go after this unknown thing later. Sometimes we are very comfortable with our lives and don’t really want to change things. Yet, there’s something new out there, something better. If you know that thing is out there, be like Elsa, don’t sit around and just follow it into the unknown! It will be scary but you won’t know until you try!

聽完本周《停課不停學》系列,小編相信大家都會覺得其實聽住歌學語言都幾輕鬆容易吧!密切留意JOOX X GRWTH如何繼續同大家Sing and Learn,一齊不停學習,一齊加油!

立即聽:《Sing and Learn 聽歌學英文》歌單

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關於EF English Centers


EF English Centers (前名為EF Englishtown) 乃全球卓著英語教育權威,亦是全球最大網上英語學校。母公司EF Education First更是全球最大的私人英文語言教育機構,具55年環球教學經驗,於世界50個國家設有超過612多間學校及辦事處,為全球2,500家國際知名企業提供英語培訓,至今成功培育逾千萬名學員。

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